Friday, July 26, 2024

Don’t let the opportunity passed you by.


Don’t let the opportunity passed you by.

Don’t let the opportunity passed you by

Amyr Klink (a braziliam explorer) was describing in his book , about one of his travels around the world where he was (I am not sure) in south pole or north pole in his boat, and one day when he woke up he had this marvelous view , the setting of the climate or atmosphere was perfect for such a wonderful picture that he did let for taking another day because he wasn’t prepare in that moment, he describe that he did stay there for a longer time just waiting for the same conditions that never show up again

1- our lives can sometimes be the same, we may never see another opportunities like we are experiencing now, even thou I did not mean we should make irresponsible decisions we should consider if we need to take action

2- When I live in Jiujiang, the university I was teaching was very closed to the Lushan mountains, I simple love the air the atmosphere of the mountain, sometimes the mist on a brink of cold winter day, it all looks amazing to me. Because I did like it so much , I use that opportunity to almost every weekend to walk and discover new trails, took many pictures, and recordings. 

To this day (2023 sep 27) my Linkedin profile still show in the background the Lushan Mountains

Perhaps I may never had a chance to live close to such a beautiful place, where nature and beauty were so abundant, but I did have no regrets because even thou I was transfer from there before I wanted, I did not let my opportunity passed by to enjoy the mountains


Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 27 Sep 2023

Friday, July 19, 2024

Do I wear the same green shirt always ???


Do I wear the same green shirt always ???

"Do I Always Don the Same Green Shirt?" The unequivocal answer to that query is, "Of course not." Yet, it's a curiosity that occasionally beckons from the minds of my students: "Is he perpetually clad in that particular green garment?"

Allow me to unravel the intriguing tale behind this seemingly persistent wardrobe choice. In the days of yore when I roamed the United States, I embarked on a quest to procure budget-friendly attire at a factory outlet. It was during this retail odyssey that I stumbled upon a gem of a shirt, exuding both quality and aesthetic appeal. The shade of green, a hue dear to my heart, caught my eye. The letter "G" emblazoned on the shirt held a dual significance—it symbolized "Green Bay," and, serendipitously, it bore the initial of my surname, "Gameiro." In a stroke of sartorial inspiration, I envisioned donning these shirts in a foreign land where the brand was relatively obscure. To my delight, I amassed a collection of these remarkable shirts.

Fast forward several years, and my journey led me to the enigmatic shores of China, where I assumed the mantle of an educator in 2018. Before departing for this far-off land, a brilliant idea hatched in my mind: why not transform these cherished shirts into my distinctive teacher uniform? Acting on this notion, I dispatched the shirts for a transformative touch—my name, "Gameiro," was expertly embroidered beneath the letter "G." Here in the Middle Kingdom, the fame of Green Bay remained muted, making my clever ruse all the more effective. My students, with admirable ease, etched my name into their memory, ensuring that my distinctive green attire would forever serve as a symbol of both identity and educational excellence.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 27 Sep 2023

Friday, July 12, 2024

Reading Challenge


Reading Challenge

Get the PDF version of this book here:

You can listen to this book here:

You have to listen first so you will know how to pronounce the words, and after listening, you should read the same part you just listened. You can do this topic by topic


Now if if you want to be nice to me, you can also leave a review on this website, here is how you can do that:


You may think this is a very simple exercise, in fact it is, but trust me it is also very effective. I am giving you this book for FREE so you can try the exercise, but you should do this with a book you would enjoy reading, because when you enjoy reading you also feel that it require no effort to keep doing since you were learning about something you like and enjoy

Reasons to embark on this challenge:

1 - Elevate your English proficiency.

2 - Improve your pronunciation.

3 - Enhance your listening skills.

4 - Expand your vocabulary.

5 - Deepen your knowledge of countries around the world.

6 - Find enjoyment and fulfillment in the process.

7 - Boost your confidence, knowing that language learning is achievable with daily practice.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 25 Sep 2023

Friday, July 5, 2024

No, Thank you !!!


No, Thank you !!!

I was trying to add all my students on Wechat (the most famous message app in China) and create a class group so it would be easy for me to give announcemnts to the class. Fanny enought this students said “No, thank you !!" (see in the picture at the beggining of this post). In fact not every students add me yet, and I did give this task as an homework because it was very important.

Latter they will have to deliver some online assignment through Wechat, and that would not be possible if they dont add me. I spend my whole first class just explaining what are the class rules, grading criteria, assignments and etc., and many things will be done through wechat as I will be providing in writing the instructions on many tasks that can be translated to Chinese if they did not understand well (that is a nice tool to have when you are learning another language.) 

I guess if the student will not add me, she will loose the points for this homework and will have problems to deliver the assignments later, that is up to her, technically I cant force any one or any student to do anything.

this is the second part of her post

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 04 Sep 2023

Friday, June 28, 2024

My vacation in Brazil. (Jul - Aug 2023)


My vacation in Brazil. (Jul - Aug 2023)

Vacation is winding down, and guess what? Someone's already asked if I'll be penning a report about it. Well, buckle up because the answer is a resounding YES! Here's my thrilling report:

My vacation days whizzed by at lightning speed. I mean, come on, July 14 to August 30 is an epic stretch of time for anyone to savor. When time zooms by like a shooting star, you know something magical happened – my vacation was an absolute blast! I soaked up quality moments with my kids and soaked in the joy of family.

But let me tell you, my vacation didn't kick off on the smoothest note. As soon as I got home, I was greeted with heartbreaking news: my brother's beloved dog was seriously ill, and it ultimately crossed the rainbow bridge. And guess who ended up digging a solemn hole in the backyard for the dear pup's final resting place? Yep, yours truly, the reluctant doggy gravedigger.

Eating out became our fantastic pastime during the vacation extravaganza! Picture this: me, my rambunctious kids, my brothers, and a bunch of our pals too. It was like a gastronomic fiesta! But here's the cool part – this is a universal activity. You see, back in my life in China, I was basically the "Eating Buddy Extraordinaire." Yep, I'd cozy up to students all the time and make lifelong friendships over shared meals. It's how I rolled in China, and it's the secret sauce behind most of my awesome friendships there – just asking students if I could crash their canteen party!

Now, let's talk about the next scene in our adventure – a deliciously sweet one! Behold, a snapshot of me and my adorable kiddos indulging in ice cream sticks at a spot that holds a special place in our hearts. You see, this is where we used to make precious memories when they were mere ankle-biters. And guess what? The ice cream joint still stands strong, so we just couldn't resist revisiting for a hearty dose of nostalgia!

Prepare for the next snapshot in our wild journey – a fierce family showdown over a board game! There we were, me, my brother, and our dear mom, all locked in a battle of wits and strategy. Let me tell you, it was an absolute blast! But here's the twist – our mom, the secret board game ninja, pulled off an epic victory, leaving me and my brother in awe. Turns out, we may have underestimated her skills just a tad... or maybe a lot!

Now, brace yourselves for the next frame in the thrilling saga – and guess who's at the center of the action? Yep, you got it, yours truly! In this snapshot, I'm strutting my stuff as the ultimate tour guide. Picture me leading my lovely niece and her buddy on a grand adventure to rendezvous with my kiddos at the hallowed halls of the movie theater. But that's not all, folks – it was a double-feature extravaganza! We didn't just watch one movie; we devoured two cinematic delights back-to-back, making it an epic movie day for the ages! 

Hold onto your hats because the next picture is like a mind-bending time warp extravaganza! Imagine this: it's as if we're frolicking in a mystical lake that's not just mirroring our present selves in 2023, but also unveiling a glimpse of the past – 2019, the last time I set foot in the marvelous land of Brazil.

And the best part? This surreal snapshot was so epic that I couldn't resist turning it into wearable art! Yes, you heard me right, folks. I slapped this mind-boggling montage on a T-shirt, making it a portable time-travel souvenir that's bound to turn heads!

Ah, let's dive into the treasure trove of snapshots featuring me and my kiddos! These special moments were often captured on our Sunday church meetings. Yes, you heard it right, even in the midst of life's twists and turns, my heart swells with joy knowing that my children were brought up with values rooted in a faith that champions the very moral compasses essential for any thriving society.

Oh, my friends, there's a whole treasure trove of tales I could regale you with about my vacation – the wild buggy rides, the eye-popping tour of my brother's company, and oh-so-many adventures with my kids. But alas, every story must have its final chapter, and I'm closing on this report with a flourish. It was an absolute wonder, a magical moment in time that I'll treasure forever!



Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 02 Sep 2023

Friday, June 21, 2024

Vacation Time if finally here.


Vacation Time if finally here.

Vacation Time if finally here: A Well-Deserved Break and a Gateway to New Possibilities

Ah, vacation time—the moment we've all been waiting for. After months of hard work and dedication, it's finally here, beckoning us to step away from the chaos of everyday life and take a well-deserved break. It's a time to recharge our batteries, both physically and mentally, and prepare ourselves for the next chapter that lies ahead.

The beauty of vacation lies not only in the destination but also in the journey itself. The best part of it all is the beginning, where excitement fills the air, and the possibilities seem endless. The world is your oyster, and you have the entire vacation stretched out in front of you like a blank canvas. The thrill of the unknown, the adventures that await, and the freedom to do as you please make this moment truly exhilarating.

While relaxation is undoubtedly a crucial component of any vacation, it's also a great opportunity to do something meaningful. As you take things easy and let go of the stresses that accompany your everyday routine, consider utilizing your time in a productive manner. For instance, during my university days, I made the conscious choice to undertake internships during my vacations. Little did I know that these experiences would later prove invaluable, enhancing my resume and providing me with essential real-world knowledge. So, make the most of your vacation by seeking out activities that will not only bring you joy but also contribute to your personal growth.

However, it's important to acknowledge that some students may choose to stay at the university during their vacation, studying tirelessly for entrance examinations. It's an admirable goal, aiming to secure their future and continue their pursuit of education. While this dedication is commendable, it's crucial not to lose sight of the need for rest and relaxation. Remember, your well-being is paramount, and burning yourself out in the quest for success is not the ideal path. Strive for balance, allowing yourself to unwind and rejuvenate. If, despite your best efforts, you don't achieve the desired outcome, remember that it's not the end of the world. Life has a way of working itself out, and what truly matters is your resilience and ability to adapt to new circumstances.

As the saying goes, everything has its own time. Just as networking is crucial in the business world, building your connections while in university can significantly impact your future career prospects. Take advantage of this period (university years) to forge meaningful relationships and expand your professional network. By doing so, you'll find that your job search after graduation becomes smoother and more enjoyable. When you align your actions with the right time and place, the fruits of your efforts become even more rewarding and fulfilling.

Now, let me take a moment to congratulate those who have reached the end of this incredible journey—the graduation point. It's a significant achievement, marking the culmination of years of hard work, perseverance, and personal growth. To all the graduates out there, I wish you the warmest congratulations, and I sincerely hope you'll invite me to your graduation party. I've had the pleasure of attending some of these celebrations at the end of this semester , and the joy, excitement, and sense of accomplishment in the air were absolutely contagious.

As for me, I have exciting plans for the coming weeks. I'll be traveling to Brazil, a place I haven't visited since 2019 due to the pandemic. I am filled with anticipation to reunite with my family and see my children again. However, my time in Brazil will be short-lived as I'll be back in China by the end of August, ready to embark on a new teaching year. I truly enjoy my job and find immense fulfillment in nurturing young minds.

This picture with my kids was taken the last time i was in Brazil with them (2019)

As vacation time finally arrives, I wish you all a fantastic and rejuvenating break. Cherish this period of rest, exploration, and self-discovery. To those I've had the pleasure of connecting with, I implore you not to lose touch. I would love to hear from you in the years to come, as we continue to share our journeys, triumphs, and memories.

So, here's to vacation time—a gateway to new possibilities, a chance to recharge and grow, and a reminder that life's most precious moments often come when we strike the perfect balance between work and play. And for those who are lucky to enjoy reading, that is a perfect time to read that book that was waiting on you list to be read and enjoyed, such activity as reading is what keeps our mind sharp.

MGameiroLLC Books.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 09 Jul 2023

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Way to Happiness


The Way to Happiness

The Way to Happiness: Beyond Money and the Illusion of an Easy Life

Introduction: In today's society, it's all too common for people to associate happiness with an easy life filled with wealth and material possessions. This perception often leads individuals to make choices that prioritize financial success over their personal well-being, including opting to stay single. However, when we delve deeper into the true sources of happiness, we discover that it lies in different aspects of our lives. Research, including the insights gained from a nurse's observations of people's regrets at the end of their lives, sheds light on what truly matters. Let's explore why no one wishes for more money or more time in the office in their final moments.

Living a Life True to Oneself: The most common regret witnessed by the nurse was the lack of courage to live a life true to oneself, instead of succumbing to societal expectations. This regret highlights the importance of authenticity and self-expression. Choosing to follow our own dreams and passions, even if they don't align with societal norms, is crucial for finding lasting happiness.

Balancing Work and Life: The second regret on the list was working too hard. This regret reminds us that relentless pursuit of professional success at the cost of personal relationships and self-care can lead to unhappiness in the long run. While money may provide temporary satisfaction, it cannot compensate for the absence of meaningful connections and a balanced life.

Expressing Feelings and Emotions: Expressing emotions openly and honestly is an essential part of a fulfilling life. The regret of not having the courage to express feelings highlights the importance of vulnerability and communication. Suppressing emotions can create a barrier to genuine connections and hinder our overall happiness and well-being.

Nurturing Friendships: Maintaining strong relationships and staying connected with friends is vital. The regret of not staying in touch with friends reveals the significance of human connection and support networks. True happiness lies in the meaningful bonds we form with others, not in material wealth or professional achievements.

Allowing Ourselves to Be Happier: The final regret witnessed by the nurse was the failure to allow oneself to be happier. This regret emphasizes the personal responsibility we have to cultivate happiness in our lives. It reminds us that happiness is a choice, and we must actively pursue it by prioritizing our well-being, practicing gratitude, and embracing positive experiences.

If you want to keep exploring more about this topic, perhaps you should read this next article.

click here to read it

Conclusion: It's crucial to challenge the misconception that happiness solely depends on an easy life filled with money and material possessions. The insights gained from the nurse's observations of people's regrets at the end of their lives reveal that true happiness comes from living authentically, nurturing relationships, expressing emotions, and prioritizing personal well-being. By recognizing these truths, we can shift our focus away from the illusion of an easy life and instead strive for a life filled with purpose, meaningful connections, and genuine happiness.


watch on YouTube / YouKu

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 01 Jul 2023