Monday, June 27, 2022

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Friday, June 24, 2022


 This report includes powerful tips related to Sharpening Your Social Skills. It also includes 3 actionable steps you can take right away and a list of suggested reading for those people who are looking for even more information. ©

This article is from a Series of 52 tips Report on the subject of self improvement. If you want to receive a file with all 52 Reports at once, you can subscribe to my e-mail list.



Do you consider yourself a social person? I think on some level, we all are. Or more correctly, we all need to be once in awhile. Even the most introverted and independent of us, has certain social commitments they have to deal with at times. If you find that you struggle in these situations, you can certainly use these nine powerful tips to help sharpen your social skills.

1. Start Small

One of the best ways to sharpen your social sills is by starting small in your day-to-day life. Small talk is a great way to sharpen your social skills, and it doesn't take much extra effort. The next time a neighbour says good morning, be willing to engage in a short chat.

2. Ask Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions are a great way to enhance your social interactions. Instead of asking questions that end with a quick "yes" or "no", ask questions that require more thoughtful answers. This will help keep people engaged and you won't feel like you have to carry the conversation on your own.

3. Seek Like-Minded People

If you struggle in social situations, why not try to make things easier for yourself? Try to find like-minded people that share similar interests as you. You will naturally feel more at ease when you are talking about the things you already love.

4. Develop Your Active Listening Skills

Social skills are just as much about listening as they are about speaking. You should ensure that you are a good active listener. Active listening means making eye contact, using other non-verbal cues and otherwise seeming interested in the person speaking to you.

5. Become a Better Storyteller

Being able to tell a great story is one of the best ways to sharpen your social skills. No matter how awkward or anxious you might feel, if you can tell a story that gets everyone on the edge of their seat or busting a gut you will be remembered. A great way to practice storytelling is actually by writing them.

6. Learn to Read Body Language

You don't have to be a master of body language yourself, but you should learn the basics. When you know what to look out for, you will know how people are responding to you. You will know when to stop talking, as well as when to continue. You will know if people are engaged, or annoyed.

7. Plan a Few Good Conversation Starters

If you struggle in social situations, make sure you have a couple good conversation starters or stories in your back pocket. To begin with, this will make you more confident in your social interaction. It will also ensure you have something to say when the conversation dwindles.

8. Shut Down The Distractions

This is going to be hard to hear for some people, but you should probably turn your phone off. It's impossible to have meaningful social interactions if you are constantly checking your phone. If you can't bring yourself to turn your phone off, at least keep it in your pocket.

9. You Get What You Give

Like most things in life, when it comes to social interactions, you get back what you put in. If you want people to be interested in you, then show interest in them. If you want people to be kind, then show them kindness first. Social interactions are most pleasant when they are reciprocal.


A) Start With Small Talk.

Social skills are like any other skill, they take practice. Try making more small talk with the acquaintances already in your life. This will let you practice your social skills, while enriching your current relationships.

B) What Are Your Interests?

What are some things that really get you passionate or excited? Maybe you should focus your social interactions on people that share these values..

C) Think of a Few Conversation Starters.

Think of a couple of exciting or funny stories that you can use when conversation starts to stagnate. Try to match the stories to your potential audience.


Affiliate links:

1. PeopleSmart: Developing Your Interpersonal Intelligence

2. How to Talk to Anyone

3. Conversationally Speaking

4. Talk to Strangers

5. People Skills

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Friday, June 17, 2022


This report includes powerful tips related to A Self-Reliant Mindset. It also includes 3 actionable steps you can take right away and a list of suggested reading for those people who are looking for even more information. ©

This article is from a Series of 52 tips Report on the subject of self improvement. If you want to receive a file with all 52 Reports at once, you can subscribe to my e-mail list.



Self-reliance isn't just for "preppers" and homesteaders - just about everyone4 can benefit from building a self-reliant mindset. Think about it; all it means is that you rely on yourself more. You are more independent, and your success isn't tied to anyone else. You don't have to give up all help and social contact though, simply knowing that you can stand on your own two feet will grant you the confidence to excel in all areas of your life.

1. Believe in Yourself

The first step to being more self-reliant is to FEEL more self-reliant. You have to believe that you can stand on your own two feet, or you will never become more self-reliant.

2. Recognize Your Dependencies

It's important to figure out who and what you are currently dependant on. You don't have to make any major changes at this point. Just recognize your dependencies. This way, you will know what kinds of things you need to learn to do yourself.

3. Accept Responsibility

If you want to be more self-reliant, then you need to accept responsibility. Your actions lead to real consequences, and you need to be responsible for them. If you make a mess of things, you need to be responsible for that, rather than looking to others to fix it.

4. Think for Yourself

You must avoid groupthink and think for yourself. This doesn't mean that you take the contrarian stance on every issue, but make sure you understand and believe in the things you talk about. If you have a stance on something, ensure your stance is not just what everyone else thinks.

5. Be Your Authentic Self

You should know your core values and what you believe in. Furthermore, it would help if you also acted in ways that reflect those values. Don't try to be someone different to impress others. If you want to be more self-reliant, you need to be comfortable in your skin at all times.

6. Make Your Own Decisions

If you run to someone else for help making every decision, you aren't self-reliant. Decision-making can be very stressful, and while it's helpful to get someone else's' opinion, it's up to you to make the decisions in your life at the end of the day. After all, you are the one who has to live with them.

7. Look After Yourself

A big part of self-reliance is taking care of yourself. You need to make sure both your mental and physical well being is taken care of. A poor spell of mental or physical health will almost ensure your reliance on others.

8. Commit to Lifelong Learning

While you can't possibly learn everything, it is important to commit to constantly learning if you want to be self-reliant. The world and your needs change; you need to keep learning, so you are ready to face these changes independently.

9. Know What You Want

What do you want out of life? If you want to be more self-reliant, you need to know exactly where you want to go. What's the point of being self-reliant if you aren't following your own goals?


A) Brainstorm Your Dependencies.

Figure out the people you are currently dependent upon. You don't have to stop depending on these people, but you should take steps to make you feel comfortable if you couldn't depend on them.

B) List Your Values.

Take some time to think about the core values that you hold. What are the things that you believe in, no matter what? Being true to these is an important part of self-reliance.

C) Address a Weakness.

Think about any weaknesses you might have. Once you have thought of a few, think of a simple step, you can take to address one of them and then take it.



Affiliate links:

1. The Harada Method the Spirit of Self-Reliance

2. The Art of Self-Reliance: A Timeless Secret to Success

3. The Journey to Emotional Self-Reliance

4. The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur

5. Self-Reliance and Other Essays