Saturday, May 25, 2024

My prediction becomes true


My prediction becomes true

My prophecy has come to fruition, and it's an easily predictable one that anyone could foresee. You don't need to be a genius to anticipate what I'm about to reveal. Now, let me assure you that out of the 18 classes I teach, the majority are nothing like the one I'm about to describe. Brace yourself for a story that begins with a dire warning and may not end well.

At the start of the semester, I had a premonition that the students in this particular class were destined to fail. My prediction was based on their lackadaisical approach to assignments and attendance. Now, as the semester draws to a close, I would have to be exceptionally forgiving not to fail a significant number of them. As you can see from the final results, some have indeed failed.

Notice: lot of missing attendance, homework and assignments.

I've been teaching in China for approximately five years, and up until this past year, I never had to fail a single student. While it's not uncommon to encounter students with low grades, I never had to resort to failing anyone—until now, unfortunately.

What I'm witnessing here is the genesis of a tale that may have a grim outcome, echoing the prediction I made earlier. In this particular class, students frequently skip my lessons, arrive late, and disappear during break time, never to return. They come to class without their books and show no interest in paying attention. When I call them out on their behavior, they find it amusing and pretend not to understand me. It seems they carry this lackadaisical attitude into their other classes as well.

Today marked their final exam, and it came as no surprise when I caught several of them cheating, caught on video no less. Part of the exam required them to record a video for the evaluation of their pronunciation. As you might suspect, the videos contained suspicious elements, such as covering their mouths while speaking or obscuring their faces, making it impossible for me to discern what was really going on (perhaps someone else speaking on their behalf). Considering the way they conducted themselves in my class, were you surprised by their actions during the final exam?


While I did manage to catch some cheaters with irrefutable evidence, I believe many will evade punishment. However, here's the kicker—those who got away with it will face severe consequences later in life. That's my next prediction for them, and I'm sure those reading this article would concur. It's not a particularly difficult prediction to make, and unless they alter their current path, it will likely come true.

I have taught some truly inspirational classes, and now I'm here, hoping to reach even more students on the same path. I want to convey the message that there is still time to change directions. No one is perfect, and they can all strive for improvement. I hope to inspire some of them to make a change. If not, they will inevitably confront the consequences I predicted, sooner or later...

To end this article on a positive note, I want to share something wonderful that happened to me yesterday. One of my former students reached out to me for help with an assignment at the company she currently works for. I remember her vividly because she was an exceptional student—always sitting in the front, actively participating in class, and displaying a genuine thirst for knowledge. As you might have guessed, she achieved a good grade in my class. And if I were to ask you to predict her future, based on what I just shared, you would likely anticipate great success. It seems that is precisely what's happening now, as she's working for a prominent company in Beijing. This brings me immense joy!

Given her dedication as a student, I can only imagine what a committed employee she must be. She is responsible, intelligent, and possesses excellent English skills.

Now a more extreme example, but it is a good example of what can start small and progress to bigger and worse situations in life if someone lead a wrong direction in life

Watch on YouTube

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 12 Jun 2023

Saturday, May 18, 2024




Rejection, though often painful and disheartening, is an inevitable part of life. Whether it's being turned down for a job, facing a romantic rejection, or experiencing a setback in pursuing your dreams, rejection can leave you feeling discouraged and questioning your abilities. However, rejection should not be seen as a roadblock but rather as a stepping stone towards personal growth and eventual success. In this article, we will explore the significance of rejection in our lives and provide examples of individuals who turned their rejections into catalysts for remarkable achievements.

  1. Rejection as a Learning Opportunity:

Rejection serves as a valuable learning opportunity, allowing us to identify areas for improvement and refine our skills. Each rejection offers a chance to reflect on our strengths and weaknesses, helping us to develop resilience and perseverance. By embracing rejection and seeking constructive feedback, we can gain valuable insights that ultimately propel us closer to our goals.

Example: J.K. Rowling

Renowned author J.K. Rowling faced rejection from numerous publishers before Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was finally accepted. Despite receiving multiple rejections, Rowling persisted in pursuing her dream, and her determination paid off. Today, the Harry Potter series has sold over 500 million copies worldwide and has been adapted into a highly successful film franchise.

  1. Rejection as Motivation:

Rejection can serve as a powerful motivator to prove doubters wrong and exceed expectations. It fuels a fire within us, igniting a desire to push beyond our comfort zones and work even harder towards achieving our goals. By channeling the energy from rejection into determination, we can transform setbacks into opportunities for growth.

Example: Walt Disney

Walt Disney, the legendary creator of Mickey Mouse and the Disney empire, faced numerous rejections and failures throughout his career. He was told he lacked creativity and that his ideas would never succeed. However, Disney persisted, using rejection as motivation to refine his craft. Today, the Walt Disney Company stands as a global entertainment powerhouse, thanks to his perseverance and refusal to be deterred by rejection.

  1. Rejection as an Opportunity for Self-Reflection:

Rejection forces us to introspect and reassess our goals and aspirations. It encourages us to explore new paths, discover hidden talents, and uncover alternative routes to success. By embracing rejection and remaining open-minded, we can unlock opportunities we might never have considered otherwise.

Example: Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey, a media mogul and philanthropist, faced numerous rejections and obstacles throughout her career. Despite experiencing setbacks, she leveraged rejection as an opportunity for self-reflection. Winfrey shifted her focus from broadcasting to hosting her own talk show, which became wildly successful. Today, she is one of the most influential and powerful women in the world, known for her inspiring achievements and resilience in the face of rejection.


Rejection may sting in the moment, but it is an integral part of the journey towards achieving our goals. By reframing rejection as a learning opportunity, a source of motivation, and a chance for self-reflection, we can harness its transformative power. Embracing rejection allows us to build resilience, refine our skills, and uncover new paths towards success. So, the next time you face rejection, remember that it is not the end of the road but a stepping stone towards your dreams.

I talked about rejection today, so let me share a recent one, and also let me say, it happens all the time, just get used to it and move on…

I did try to make a new friend at the canteen today as I always do, after chatting a little bit I did find out one student were majoring in IT and the other in Math, since I did teach “How to teach Math” before I did offer the course for FREE for the student here on my website. We agree that as soon I get back home I would send the course to her, but for that I needed her e-mail and name to create an account for her in my website and give her the access to the course, and this is what happen: (her answer: NO THANK YOU!!)



Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 09 Jun 2023

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Celebrating Achievements: Graduation.


Celebrating Achievements: Graduation.

Title: Celebrating Achievements: Graduation Ceremonies and Parties as Gateways to Precious Memories

with students in China (2023)

Introduction: Graduation marks a significant milestone in one's academic journey, signifying the culmination of years of hard work, perseverance, and growth. It is a time for celebration, reflection, and the creation of memories that will be cherished for a lifetime. Both graduation ceremonies and parties provide a unique opportunity to commemorate achievements, bond with loved ones, and serve as reminders of past victories, motivating us to strive for future success.

The Importance of Graduation Ceremonies: Graduation ceremonies hold a special place in our hearts. They symbolize the official recognition of our accomplishments and serve as a collective moment of pride for graduates, their families, and friends. Stepping onto the stage, donning the traditional cap and gown, and receiving that hard-earned diploma are experiences that create lasting memories. The solemnity of the occasion, the speeches filled with wisdom and inspiration, and the presence of fellow graduates foster a sense of camaraderie and unity, reinforcing the shared journey toward academic success.

Capturing the Essence of Graduation Parties: While graduation ceremonies evoke a sense of formality, graduation parties provide a joyful and lively atmosphere for celebrating this remarkable milestone. Parties offer an opportunity to mingle, relax, and revel in the achievements alongside friends and family. From the laughter-filled conversations to the congratulatory toasts, these gatherings create an ambiance of festivity that serves as the backdrop for creating cherished memories. Whether it's a small intimate gathering or a grand celebration, the collective joy and support expressed during graduation parties strengthen our sense of accomplishment and remind us of the people who have contributed to our success.

The Power of Memories: Memories have a profound impact on our lives. They serve as reminders of who we are, where we come from, and what we have achieved. The memories we make during graduation ceremonies and parties hold a special place in our personal narratives. They allow us to relive the excitement, pride, and joy of the moment, even years down the line. Memories have the power to transport us back in time, reigniting the emotions and motivation we felt during those pivotal moments. They remind us that we have conquered challenges before, serving as a driving force to propel us forward in future endeavors.

My graduation from Londrina State University (UEL) - 1994

The Role of Memories in Impelling Future Success: By relishing the memories of graduation ceremonies and parties, we gain an invaluable perspective on our capabilities and achievements. They remind us that we are capable of overcoming obstacles, and they reinforce the belief that we have what it takes to succeed in the face of future challenges. Memories of celebrating with loved ones, the encouragement received, and the pride witnessed can serve as a wellspring of motivation during times of doubt or hardship. They instill within us a sense of resilience and determination, urging us to continue striving for excellence.

my MBA graduation in Salt Lake City - 1999

Conclusion: Graduation ceremonies and parties provide the perfect platform to celebrate our academic achievements and create cherished memories. They serve as reminders of our past victories and propel us toward future success. By relishing these moments and treasuring the memories they create, we tap into a well of inspiration and confidence, knowing that we have the strength and ability to overcome any future obstacles. So, let us revel in the joy, embrace the camaraderie, and commemorate our achievements, for these memories are precious treasures that will guide us on our path to greatness.

As a teacher in china I got invitations to graduation parties. (watch in YouTube)

Another Graduation Party (watch in YouTube video1 video2)

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 07 Jun 2023

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Exploring Perspectives: Insights and Reflections

Exploring Perspectives: Insights and Reflections

This week I did host the English Corner metting, and it was my third time discussing this topic, I did in Zhuzhou, Jiujiang and now here in Zhengzhou. it was about dating.

As I mentioned in previous posts, my status in China is always a topic of curiosity among the students. I have never hidden anything from them, so I have no problem sharing everything about my situation. I have been divorced for almost 10 years, even though I didn't want the divorce. Sometimes, I feel alone and so on, but I don't hesitate to discuss these things with my students.

On the other hand, I have also become curious about how things work in China, particularly the perspectives of the new generation regarding life, jobs, and relationships. This curiosity gave me an opportunity to ask them about their plans for the future. Surprisingly, I received more answers than I had expected saying marriage is not part of their plans. Many people, especially girls, expressed their lack of interest in getting married. They blamed the boys, claiming that they are not suitable for marriage.

Having been married and divorced myself, I understand how loneliness can be detrimental. Coming back to an empty home at the end of the day can be quite challenging. However, I try to focus my attention on my work and appreciate the adventure I am experiencing in China, which wouldn't have been possible if I were still married. So, overall, my life isn't that bad. Additionally, I am earning a good income. However, as I mentioned before and want to emphasize again, money alone doesn't bring happiness. It only makes life more comfortable, not necessarily happier.

I have attempted to highlight the advantages of getting married because I believe it can be a positive experience. I have witnessed the potential for happiness and personal growth through my parents' relationship. They stayed together for over 50 years until my father passed away last year.

My argument for marriage is that when it is done properly, it can lead to personal growth, maturity, and unimaginable happiness. I often refer to an experiment where people nearing the end of their lives were asked to answer a questionnaire about their lives. Not a single person stated that they wished they had spent more time working to make more money. Instead, they regretted not spending enough time with their loved ones (you can find that questionnaire in this post about dating).

Dating is a process that can lead to finding suitable partners for potential marriage. If the dating phase goes well, there is a good chance that marrying that person would work out. However, it is important to know what you are doing and pay attention to important aspects. If you date with the right intentions and considerations, the argument most students present for not wanting to get married would fall apart. It is possible to find good people with whom life would be better than staying alone.

Perhaps this is just my humble opinion, but in today's world with the internet, it is easy to find numerous women on social media who focused on their careers and remained single. Now, many of them regret that decision, especially since it is not as easy as it once was in their twenties to find a husband.

I am writing this post in the hope of providing a different perspective to those who disagree with me or are not considering marriage in their future. If they are wise, they will research this subject further to determine whether this is just someone's opinion or if there is some truth to it. It is crucial to consider all options before it becomes too late to change direction.

As a teacher, my main role is to teach students to think for themselves and make good decisions in life. Getting married is perhaps one of the most important decisions someone can make because it can have a profound impact on their life.

I hope this post prompts you to reflect, at least to some extent. Farewell for now.

You can watch it in YouTube or YouKu

PS: I have the recording of this week's English corner activity, where we delved into the topic of dating. It was an incredibly enjoyable and enlightening session. Not only was I able to share valuable insights and advice with the students, but I also learned a great deal from them. I absolutely adore these kinds of activities that allow me to spend quality time with students while engaging in such an awesome discussion.


 I usually prepared the spirit of the student for such an activity with the quotes below in the social media group.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 02 Jun 2023