Saturday, May 25, 2024

My prediction becomes true


My prediction becomes true

My prophecy has come to fruition, and it's an easily predictable one that anyone could foresee. You don't need to be a genius to anticipate what I'm about to reveal. Now, let me assure you that out of the 18 classes I teach, the majority are nothing like the one I'm about to describe. Brace yourself for a story that begins with a dire warning and may not end well.

At the start of the semester, I had a premonition that the students in this particular class were destined to fail. My prediction was based on their lackadaisical approach to assignments and attendance. Now, as the semester draws to a close, I would have to be exceptionally forgiving not to fail a significant number of them. As you can see from the final results, some have indeed failed.

Notice: lot of missing attendance, homework and assignments.

I've been teaching in China for approximately five years, and up until this past year, I never had to fail a single student. While it's not uncommon to encounter students with low grades, I never had to resort to failing anyone—until now, unfortunately.

What I'm witnessing here is the genesis of a tale that may have a grim outcome, echoing the prediction I made earlier. In this particular class, students frequently skip my lessons, arrive late, and disappear during break time, never to return. They come to class without their books and show no interest in paying attention. When I call them out on their behavior, they find it amusing and pretend not to understand me. It seems they carry this lackadaisical attitude into their other classes as well.

Today marked their final exam, and it came as no surprise when I caught several of them cheating, caught on video no less. Part of the exam required them to record a video for the evaluation of their pronunciation. As you might suspect, the videos contained suspicious elements, such as covering their mouths while speaking or obscuring their faces, making it impossible for me to discern what was really going on (perhaps someone else speaking on their behalf). Considering the way they conducted themselves in my class, were you surprised by their actions during the final exam?


While I did manage to catch some cheaters with irrefutable evidence, I believe many will evade punishment. However, here's the kicker—those who got away with it will face severe consequences later in life. That's my next prediction for them, and I'm sure those reading this article would concur. It's not a particularly difficult prediction to make, and unless they alter their current path, it will likely come true.

I have taught some truly inspirational classes, and now I'm here, hoping to reach even more students on the same path. I want to convey the message that there is still time to change directions. No one is perfect, and they can all strive for improvement. I hope to inspire some of them to make a change. If not, they will inevitably confront the consequences I predicted, sooner or later...

To end this article on a positive note, I want to share something wonderful that happened to me yesterday. One of my former students reached out to me for help with an assignment at the company she currently works for. I remember her vividly because she was an exceptional student—always sitting in the front, actively participating in class, and displaying a genuine thirst for knowledge. As you might have guessed, she achieved a good grade in my class. And if I were to ask you to predict her future, based on what I just shared, you would likely anticipate great success. It seems that is precisely what's happening now, as she's working for a prominent company in Beijing. This brings me immense joy!

Given her dedication as a student, I can only imagine what a committed employee she must be. She is responsible, intelligent, and possesses excellent English skills.

Now a more extreme example, but it is a good example of what can start small and progress to bigger and worse situations in life if someone lead a wrong direction in life

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Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 12 Jun 2023

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