Saturday, June 1, 2024

Visit to "Shaolin Temple" in 17/07/2023


Visit to "Shaolin Temple" in 17/07/2023

Yesterday, I had an amazing day with my new friend Zigang Li. Our paths crossed just a week ago when I was strolling on campus, and after a brief introduction, he extended a kind invitation to visit the renowned Shaolin Temple together. We agreed to embark on this adventure on the following Saturday, which was yesterday.

We set off at 8:00 am, filled with anticipation for the day ahead, and returned at 10:00 pm, thoroughly immersed in a memorable experience. Our excursion went beyond merely visiting the temple; we also ventured into the scenic mountains surrounding it. As night fell, we were treated to a captivating spectacle called the "Shaolin Zen Music Ritual", an enchanting outdoor show illuminated by mesmerizing light effects.

I must say, Chinese people never cease to amaze me. A week ago, I had just met Zigang Li, and now it feels as if we have been old friends, enjoying wonderful activities together. Last week was undoubtedly a delightful time for me, although it left me feeling exhausted upon returning home. Nonetheless, every moment was absolutely worth it. Due to my limited knowledge of the local language, I rarely venture out to explore places on my own. Instead, I rely on the kindness of students or chance encounters like the one I had with Zigang Li.

Zigang proved to be an excellent guide, introducing me to numerous exceptional dining establishments. As a foreigner, it would take a lifetime to discover the best eateries in the area, even if I had all the wealth to afford the finest services. However, with Zigang's guidance, I was able to have a truly remarkable culinary experience. We began our day with breakfast at a charming local soup store. The establishment exuded a cozy atmosphere, bustling with locals enjoying their morning meals. The soup, accompanied by freshly baked bread, was simply divine, explaining the crowded nature of the place.

I am immensely grateful to my new friend Zigang for making my day truly special. I captured countless photographs to preserve and cherish the memories we created together. These moments will undoubtedly hold a cherished place in my heart for years to come.

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Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 01 Jul 2023

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