Friday, August 30, 2024

The True Purpose of University


The True Purpose of University

The True Purpose of University: Learning How to Think


"Learn how to think, that is why you went to the University." These wise words encapsulate the fundamental reason for pursuing higher education. Many individuals believe that companies hire based on degrees, but in reality, they are seeking individuals with the potential to succeed. The knowledge and skills you gain in university may become outdated or remain unused. To truly understand the essence of university education, one must look beyond the degree certificate and embrace the power of independent thought and critical thinking.

The Evolving Landscape of Knowledge

In the fast-paced world we live in today, the shelf life of knowledge is continually shrinking. What you learn in a university course may become obsolete within a few years, or you may never apply it in your professional life. It's a common experience among graduates to realize that the theories and formulas they studied are seldom directly relevant to their work.

So, why invest in a university education? The answer lies in the broader skills and mindset it equips you with. To unveil the true purpose of a university education, let's explore the importance of cultivating critical thinking and the ability to form and defend your own ideas.

The Power of Independent Thought

Learning another language or mastering specific technical skills is undeniably valuable. However, today, we emphasize the importance of cultivating your own thinking and forming your opinions. This skill goes beyond academic knowledge and is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

Being a critical thinker means more than just doubting what you hear; it means actively engaging with information, dissecting it, and forming your own judgments. This skill allows you to be more discerning and less susceptible to manipulation or deception. It empowers you to participate in meaningful discussions, engage in constructive debates, and contribute to creative problem-solving.

Earning Trust and Recognizing Deception

Honesty and credibility are paramount qualities. To be trusted and respected in both personal and professional life, one must be honest and reliable. But equally important is the ability to recognize when others are not being honest. Critical thinking enables you to detect inconsistencies and inaccuracies in information, whether it's in a news article, a business proposal, or everyday conversation.

For example, consider a website that publishes an article about birds chasing an airplane, as mentioned in the initial picture of this article. Upon critical examination, one might notice inconsistencies in the story, such as the impossibility of birds catching up with an airplane or the contradiction between the headline and the article's content, in the headline it say the pilot landed the airplane while the story goes on to tell pilot crash the plane in a lake, even the very picture witch I took from that article seems to be fake. Such discernment can help you distinguish reliable sources of information from unreliable ones, a crucial skill in today's information-driven world.

The University as a Training Ground for Critical Thinkers

In essence, a university education serves as a training ground to become a critical thinker, to develop the ability to form independent opinions, and to confidently defend those opinions. It goes far beyond the mere accumulation of knowledge.

When you spend your time in university memorizing facts and figures, you're missing out on a more valuable opportunity. Instead, seize the chance to learn how to think. Forming an opinion based on the knowledge you acquire is a transformative experience that no book or lecture can replicate. It's the foundation of your capacity to think critically, and it is this skill that makes you a valuable asset to any company.


The true purpose of a university education lies in learning how to think independently and critically. It's about developing the skills to form your own ideas, defend them, and navigate a complex world where information and ideas abound. A university education isn't just about earning a degree; it's about acquiring the tools to be a discerning, thoughtful, and innovative individual. So, use your time wisely in the pursuit of knowledge, and remember that the ability to think critically is the greatest treasure you can bring to any endeavor.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 07 Nov 2023

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