Friday, July 26, 2024

Don’t let the opportunity passed you by.


Don’t let the opportunity passed you by.

Don’t let the opportunity passed you by

Amyr Klink (a braziliam explorer) was describing in his book , about one of his travels around the world where he was (I am not sure) in south pole or north pole in his boat, and one day when he woke up he had this marvelous view , the setting of the climate or atmosphere was perfect for such a wonderful picture that he did let for taking another day because he wasn’t prepare in that moment, he describe that he did stay there for a longer time just waiting for the same conditions that never show up again

1- our lives can sometimes be the same, we may never see another opportunities like we are experiencing now, even thou I did not mean we should make irresponsible decisions we should consider if we need to take action

2- When I live in Jiujiang, the university I was teaching was very closed to the Lushan mountains, I simple love the air the atmosphere of the mountain, sometimes the mist on a brink of cold winter day, it all looks amazing to me. Because I did like it so much , I use that opportunity to almost every weekend to walk and discover new trails, took many pictures, and recordings. 

To this day (2023 sep 27) my Linkedin profile still show in the background the Lushan Mountains

Perhaps I may never had a chance to live close to such a beautiful place, where nature and beauty were so abundant, but I did have no regrets because even thou I was transfer from there before I wanted, I did not let my opportunity passed by to enjoy the mountains


Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 27 Sep 2023

Friday, July 19, 2024

Do I wear the same green shirt always ???


Do I wear the same green shirt always ???

"Do I Always Don the Same Green Shirt?" The unequivocal answer to that query is, "Of course not." Yet, it's a curiosity that occasionally beckons from the minds of my students: "Is he perpetually clad in that particular green garment?"

Allow me to unravel the intriguing tale behind this seemingly persistent wardrobe choice. In the days of yore when I roamed the United States, I embarked on a quest to procure budget-friendly attire at a factory outlet. It was during this retail odyssey that I stumbled upon a gem of a shirt, exuding both quality and aesthetic appeal. The shade of green, a hue dear to my heart, caught my eye. The letter "G" emblazoned on the shirt held a dual significance—it symbolized "Green Bay," and, serendipitously, it bore the initial of my surname, "Gameiro." In a stroke of sartorial inspiration, I envisioned donning these shirts in a foreign land where the brand was relatively obscure. To my delight, I amassed a collection of these remarkable shirts.

Fast forward several years, and my journey led me to the enigmatic shores of China, where I assumed the mantle of an educator in 2018. Before departing for this far-off land, a brilliant idea hatched in my mind: why not transform these cherished shirts into my distinctive teacher uniform? Acting on this notion, I dispatched the shirts for a transformative touch—my name, "Gameiro," was expertly embroidered beneath the letter "G." Here in the Middle Kingdom, the fame of Green Bay remained muted, making my clever ruse all the more effective. My students, with admirable ease, etched my name into their memory, ensuring that my distinctive green attire would forever serve as a symbol of both identity and educational excellence.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 27 Sep 2023

Friday, July 12, 2024

Reading Challenge


Reading Challenge

Get the PDF version of this book here:

You can listen to this book here:

You have to listen first so you will know how to pronounce the words, and after listening, you should read the same part you just listened. You can do this topic by topic


Now if if you want to be nice to me, you can also leave a review on this website, here is how you can do that:


You may think this is a very simple exercise, in fact it is, but trust me it is also very effective. I am giving you this book for FREE so you can try the exercise, but you should do this with a book you would enjoy reading, because when you enjoy reading you also feel that it require no effort to keep doing since you were learning about something you like and enjoy

Reasons to embark on this challenge:

1 - Elevate your English proficiency.

2 - Improve your pronunciation.

3 - Enhance your listening skills.

4 - Expand your vocabulary.

5 - Deepen your knowledge of countries around the world.

6 - Find enjoyment and fulfillment in the process.

7 - Boost your confidence, knowing that language learning is achievable with daily practice.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 25 Sep 2023

Friday, July 5, 2024

No, Thank you !!!


No, Thank you !!!

I was trying to add all my students on Wechat (the most famous message app in China) and create a class group so it would be easy for me to give announcemnts to the class. Fanny enought this students said “No, thank you !!" (see in the picture at the beggining of this post). In fact not every students add me yet, and I did give this task as an homework because it was very important.

Latter they will have to deliver some online assignment through Wechat, and that would not be possible if they dont add me. I spend my whole first class just explaining what are the class rules, grading criteria, assignments and etc., and many things will be done through wechat as I will be providing in writing the instructions on many tasks that can be translated to Chinese if they did not understand well (that is a nice tool to have when you are learning another language.) 

I guess if the student will not add me, she will loose the points for this homework and will have problems to deliver the assignments later, that is up to her, technically I cant force any one or any student to do anything.

this is the second part of her post

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 04 Sep 2023