English Corner in Jiujiang (2020)
When I was in Jiujiang (2020) I also did participate in the English Corner, in fact after I came to china as a teacher, when I discover about the English corner activities, I never stop going there.
Sometimes we had a lot of people, the weather was nice and worm outside, but a few times on December when it was cold, perhaps raining, just a few people show up.
Since it did cost me nothing to go there and see if there is any student there, I manage to always go there and not even once there was nobody there. So I always have at least a few students there who wanted to find someone else to practice their English.
The day we have less people of all was on this day show in the picture, only 3 students, and we manage to have a nice English Corner day.

Now I am here in Zhengzhou, we did start English Corner this semester and perhaps there is no tradition of this activity here.
Today is English Corner day, but it is also a holiday and many students will comeback to school only tomorrow, also it is raining today, it is a perfect day for nobody show up at the English Corner today
I am afraid if nobody do anything this activity will die, but I manage to create a Wechat group for the English Corner activity (we have 234 students on that group) and I am sharing I will be there every Wednesday for English Corner. So hope this activity wont die.
That is why I am writing this Article right now, to share with those students in the wechat group, hopping some of them will show up. What I am saying is, even if it is raining we can move the activity to the canteen, eat something together, or play a game, whatever we choose to do, we can always have some fun together and practice our English.

these are the good days, when lot of students show up

I just came back from the English Corner, and as expected almost no one show up today, but those 2 students who show up, did have a nice activity with me, we decide to go to the canteen (away from the rain) and play a game.

Article by Marcelo Gameiro
Published 03 May 2023