Saturday, March 4, 2023


 This report includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take right away. It also includes a list of suggested readings for those who are looking for even more information. 

This article is from a Series of 52 tips Report on the subject of self improvement. If you want to receive a file with all 52 Reports at once, you can subscribe to my e-mail list.


Many people believe that positive thinking and manifestation are important tools that propel us towards our goals, but what about the opposite? Limited thinking can be as much of a burden as positive thinking is a boon. It is one of several ways that we self-sabotage our success. If you aren't sure what limited thinking is, here are nine examples. If you engage in these thinking patterns, you must address them, or your success might suffer.


1. All or Nothing

This limited thinking pattern hinders your ability to see nuance. You are either a massive success, or you are a lowly failure. Routinely thinking like this holds us back by not allowing us to see progress or growth. It doesn't allow us to find a "middle ground."


2. Focus on The Negative

Negative thinking is one of the most discussed topics in the self-help world. We all know the negative impact this type of thinking can have on our life. If you are the type of person whose mind filters all information through a negative lens, you won't be as happy or successful as you deserve.


3. Overgeneralization

This thinking pattern is best described as taking a single incident and drawing broad conclusions about it. For example, you fail at something so then decide it is worthless, you are lousy, and you'll never figure it out. Besides being overly negative, this thinking process isn't logical. Try to stop thinking in absolutes.


4. Mind Reading

It is impossible to read someone's mind. Even if you are highly intuitive, you can't know for sure what someone is thinking. If you are the type of person that makes quick assumptions about others or thinks you know the "real reason" they acted in a certain way, then you might be suffering from this thinking pattern.


5. Fixed Mindset

A fixed mindset is an idea that things are how they are, and there is no reason to change. You trust your abilities (which is great), but you never see a reason to grow or change. If you aren't growing and changing as a person, you are standing still, letting the world pass you by.


6. Stuck on How

This type of limited thinking is when you get too wrapped up in the idea of "how." For example, how will you ever reach your goals? While having a plan is important, sometimes we can't possibly know all the details of accomplishing something. You can't allow this to stop you from taking action, though.


7. Catastrophizing

Are you the type of person to assume the absolute worst of any situation? Does a small obstacle in your path make you think the sky is falling? If so, you are likely suffering from catastrophizing. This limited thinking pattern makes us always expect the worst. If you don't deal with it, you will be too paralyzed by fear and indecision to grow truly.


8. A Case of The “Shoulds”

If you ever get caught up worrying about the way things "should" be instead of how they are, you might be dealing with this limited thinking pattern. You expect the universe and other people to act according to your preconceived standards and cannot adapt when they don't.


9 Personalization

Not everything is about you. Did you need to hear that? If so, you might be suffering from personalization. This limited thinking pattern means you take everything personally. Not everything that happens to you is a personal slight or shortcoming. Sometimes things simply don't work out, and it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you.




a) Go through the list of limited thinking patterns. Put a quick checkmark beside any that you think you might have.


b) Now go through the list of the check-marked thinking patterns and prioritize them by how much you think they affect you. Start with number one being the most and work your way down.


c) Try to break your limited thinking patterns one at a time. Starting at the top of your list ensures you tackle the most important promptly.




Affiliate links:

1. Beyond Positive Thinking

2. You Are Beyond Belief: Breaking Free from Limited Thinking

3. Limited Thinking: The 13 Most Common Excuses

4. Stop Thinking, Start Living

5. The Art of Thinking Clearly

Meeting former students.

As a teacher, there is nothing more rewarding than seeing your former students succeed and achieve great things in life. It brings a deep sense of satisfaction and joy to know that the efforts put into their education have paid off and contributed to their growth and success. It is a great feeling to meet old students and see how well they are doing, and to know that you played a small part in their journey towards success.

 Today was one such day when I had the opportunity to catch up with some of my former students from last year. We had lunch together, and it was great to see how much they had grown and matured since we last met. We reminisced about the old days, talked about their current endeavors, and shared stories about life after school.

During the course of the conversation, I was thrilled to hear that they had all done well in their studies and were now pursuing their dreams with great enthusiasm and passion. It was clear that they had taken the lessons learned in my classes and applied them to their lives, and it filled me with pride and joy.

Later that evening, I had the pleasure of meeting another former student who shared how much she had learned from my classes. She talked about how my teachings had helped her develop new skills, broaden her perspective, and become more confident in her abilities. Hearing such feedback from a former student was truly humbling and reminded me of the importance of the work that we do as educators.

Overall, it was a fantastic day that left me feeling fulfilled and energized. As a teacher, there is no greater reward than seeing your former students grow and succeed, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be a small part of their journey. I look forward to staying in touch with them and continuing to support their growth and success in any way that I can.

Saturday, February 25, 2023


This report includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take right away. It also includes a list of suggested readings for those who are looking for even more information. 

This article is from a Series of 52 tips Report on the subject of self improvement. If you want to receive a file with all 52 Reports at once, you can subscribe to my e-mail list.


It might be an understatement to say, but we are living in some uncertain times. To be fair, though, there has never been a time when people could be certain exactly how their lives would play out. That's life. We can't possibly plan for every outcome, so we must adapt when we are faced with new realities. Do you feel like you are adaptable? Could you switch your approach to life if needed? If this makes you nervous to even think about, check out these nine tips that will help you become more adaptable.


1. Have a Guiding Light

Life is going to throw all kinds of surprising situations and obstacles in your path. If you have a guiding light or a purpose, you will find it easier to adapt and get back on track. Even if your short-term goals and plans are ruined, you will know your general direction and adjust accordingly.


2. Get out of Your Comfort Zone

If you keep on doing the same things over and over again, you are not going to be prepared when you are forced to adapt. If you want to become more adaptable, you have to get used to living outside your comfort zone. This way, you will be more comfortable when forced to make a change.


3. Practice With Low-Stake Activities

Adaptability is like any skill. You can hone and strengthen it through repeated use. If you aren't good at rolling with the punches, try starting small. Something as simple as changing your work route could help you become more adaptable in the long run.


4. Commit to Learning

There is no reason to stop learning just because you are done with school. A hallmark of adaptability is having a wide spectrum of knowledge. You will find it much easier to adjust your approach if you have the skills and knowledge you need.


5. Stay On Top of Current Events

While watching the news every night can be hard, you should strive to stay on top of current events and trends. Spotting an emerging trend that might affect you will help you prepare for any adjustments you have to make.


6. Treat Mistakes and Failures as Lessons

Life is going to be full of mistakes and failures. This is especially true if you are regularly forced to adapt to changing circumstances. Even the best-laid plans can be affected by forces out of our control. The key is to get used to failure and use it as an opportunity to learn something new.


7. Say "Yes" More Often

People are often told they should "no" more often. The idea is it will give you back your time and set healthy boundaries. This is all true! However, some of us may need to say "yes" more often. By accepting new and different challenges, you will be training your adaptability.


8. Let Go of Attachment

The idea of attachment is a key tenet of Buddhism. Our inability to detach from our ideas of how things should be is what holds us back from a fulfilled life. This is good advice for those who struggle with adaptability. When you let go of your idea of how things need to be, you make it easier to adjust when things go wrong.


9. Build Your Mental Toughness

Change, upheaval, and unexpected obstacles aren't easy. They are going to test you, and they might even break some of us. You should find ways to build your mental toughness so that you can face new challenges head-on. It won't happen overnight, but you can boost your mental toughness. If you want to adapt to a rapidly changing world, you might have to.




a) What is your guiding light? Think about where you ultimately want to end up in life.


b) Learn something new. It's time to brush up on an old skill or learn an entirely new one.


c) What are some emerging trends in your industry? How will you adapt to these?




Affiliate links:

1. Adaptability: Responding Effectively to Change

2. Adaptable: How to Lead with Curiosity, Pivot with Purpose, and Thrive through Change

3. The Adaptable Mind

4. Competing in the New World of Work

5. Adaptability: How to Survive Change You Didn't Ask For

Saturday, February 18, 2023


 This report includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take right away. It also includes a list of suggested readings for those who are looking for even more information. 

This article is from a Series of 52 tips Report on the subject of self improvement. If you want to receive a file with all 52 Reports at once, you can subscribe to my e-mail list.


In our hearts, we are social creatures. Even the most introverted of us require social interaction from time to time. Even if it is just a few, having trusted friends helps make our lives a little brighter and more fulfilling. As we grow, age and transition, it can be harder to maintain these friendships. Luckily, if you remember these nine tips, you will be able to maintain any friendship.


1. Be Honest

Most of our relationships are based on honesty. If we aren't honest with our friends (and vice versa), then our whole friendship might be predicated on these falsehoods. We should be honest with our friends because they deserve it.


1. Learn to Keep Secrets

There will be times when our friends need us to keep a secret. Now, of course, these shouldn't be secrets that hurt other friends, but we should be willing to keep secrets for the most part. It's important friends know they can trust us.


3. Make Time For Friends

We need to strive to make time for our friends. We all live our own fast-paced lives, but it's important to carve out at least a little time for our friends. What's the point of friendship if we don't even have time for the people in our lives?


4. Show Up When Needed

It is especially important to make time for our friends when they need us most. In times of great need, who do we want support from? Our friends! The same is true for them as well.


5. Give Friends Space

While we need to spend time with friends, we also need to give our friends space when they need it. We can't take it personally if our friends ask for a little space, it's likely they need it, and it doesn't reflect on us at all.


6. Take It Easy

We need to try and remember that we all have our own lives. Sometimes plans will fall through. Life happens to all of us, so we need to keep our expectations in check when dealing with our friends.


7. Show Your Appreciation

While most of our best friendships don't require much management, it's still important that we share our appreciation with our friends. It's always nice to know that someone cares and appreciates us, so make sure your friends know it.


8. Address Your Misunderstandings

Even the best friendships will have their fair share of misunderstandings. The key is to make sure these misunderstandings don't linger or take a turn for the worse. We need to address any issues we have with our friends in a timely and mature fashion.


9. Be a Positive Force

This might be the most important tip of all. When it comes to our friendships, we should strive to be a positive force. We should build our friends up, support them and introduce positivity into their lives.




a) Think about your most important friendships. Who are the people in your life that you count on being there?


b) Reach out to a friend that you haven't spoken to in a while. Check in to see how they are doing.


c) Show your appreciation to someone you care about. It could be as simple as a message or something more substantial like a gift.




Affiliate links:

1. Big Friendship: How We Keep Each Other Close

2. Friendship in the Age of Loneliness

3. Made for Friendship

4. Radical Friendship

5. The Friendship Formula

Saturday, February 11, 2023


 This report includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take right away. It also includes a list of suggested readings for those who are looking for even more information. 

This article is from a Series of 52 tips Report on the subject of self improvement. If you want to receive a file with all 52 Reports at once, you can subscribe to my e-mail list.


No matter where you look, you will see the signs of a society obsessed with youth culture. Youthful people are on magazine covers, TV shows, and run social media. There are countless advertisements about regaining your youthful exuberance or keeping your skin looking young. Entering their older years can make you feel a little down - only if you let it, though! It would be best if you didn't fear aging. It should be embraced and enjoyed. If you are struggling with that, try these nine tips.


1. Explore Your Hobbies

With your kids growing up, you might find you have a bit more time to yourself—what a perfect chance to pick up a new and exciting hobby. Choose something you have always wanted to do, and go for it! If you had an old hobby, you didn't have the time for, maybe it is time to pick it back up.


2. Plot a Follow a Path

You are never too old to set goals. You might have reached more than a few of them to get to this point, but that doesn't mean you can't set more. Setting goals in your later years will help you stay active, motivated, and satisfied.


3. Keep Your Body Moving

Regular exercise is important for anyone. But it is especially important as you age. Make sure you get enough cardio in but don't be afraid to lift heavy things. Weightlifting will help you retain the muscle mass you typically lose as you age.


4. Let Go of Society’s Expectations

Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do because of your are. Wear what you want, listen to the music you like, and do the activities that excite you. You don't have to accept society's expectations of what it means to age.


5. Spend Time with All Ages

Spending time with all sorts of age groups will help you keep things in perspective. Spending time with your grandchildren will remind you of childlike wonder while spending time around your teenage family might make you happy about your maturity. Spending time with your older relatives will help you realize you have much living ahead of you.


6. Keep Your Health In Mind

Your health should always be one of your priorities. We mentioned exercise is important, but so is a healthy diet. You should also make sure you take care of your mental, dental, and eye health as well. Regular appointments with your family doctor will help keep you on track.


7. Stay Active in the Community

Physical stimulation is important, but so is mental and social stimulation. When you stay active in your local community, be it volunteering or joining a service club, you will feel more satisfied and happier in general.


8. Never Stop Learning

It is never too late to learn something new. The internet gives you unparalleled access to learning opportunities. You could also look for local classes if you like a more communal setting. Lastly, no matter what anyone says, it is never too late to


9. Try to Stay Positive

Keeping a positive outlook is one of the most important things you can do as you age. If you try to think and act positive, you will likely feel it. If you struggle with positivity, try a mindfulness technique like meditation or journaling.




a) Is there anything you'd like to do but are worried you are "too old"? Forget about society's expectations and make a plan to do it!


b) Choose a hobby (new or old) and make a plan to get back into it.


c) What is something you have always wanted to learn more about? Look up local or online classes that could teach you what you need to know.




Affiliate links:

1. Elderhood: Redefining Aging

2. Successful Aging

3. The New Rules of Aging Well

4. Aging with Grace

5. Aging Backwards

Saturday, February 4, 2023


This report includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take right away. It also includes a list of suggested readings for those who are looking for even more information. 

This article is from a Series of 52 tips Report on the subject of self improvement. If you want to receive a file with all 52 Reports at once, you can subscribe to my e-mail list.


Each one of us takes a unique journey in life. No one's life experience is the same as someone else. That isn't to say there isn't any commonality at all, though. At one time or another, most of us face the same major challenges in life. It's quite possible that our response to those challenges will shape our entire life. How will you respond to these nine common challenges most of us face?


1. Loss of a Loved One

A loved one passing away is something none of us can escape. At some point - and often multiple points - in our lives, we lose someone we love. It is easy to get lost in grief, but our loved ones would want us to live on healthy and happy.


2. The Opinions of Others

While it would certainly be nice to escape the option of others, good luck getting through life without dealing with it. Whether it is friends, family, or random strangers, people will have an opinion on how you are living your life. The key is to know your core values and stick to them no matter what other people think.


3. Rejection

It would be shocking if you coasted through life without the bitter sting of rejection. You might not get into your first-choice college or land that dream job. You could be into someone who isn't into you. Regardless of the type of rejection, learning to bounce back better than ever should be your goal.


4. Career Change

Some people are lucky enough to finish school and go into a job that carries them to retirement. While that sounds nice, it is far from the norm these days. Most of us will have to go through some career change. No matter if you change your career entirely or just switch places of employment, dealing with this upheaval will be vital to your long-term success


5. Figuring Out Who We Are

Sometimes it takes a long time for us to figure out who we are. We spend our entire youth trying to pinpoint it. What makes me tick? What do I believe in? What do you I want? These seem like simple questions, but humans have been struggling to answer them for ages.


6. Overcoming Your Past

We all have a past to reckon with. This past may not include any serious trauma or skeletons in the closet, but we still all have our regrets and bad decisions. Reflecting on the past is good, but we can't keep living there. Being able to move beyond this past is an important part of all of our experiences.


7. Relationships Ending

There are a lot of stories of high school sweethearts living their lives happily ever after. For the vast majority of us, though, we will likely go through a few (or more!) relationships before we find our person. The end of a relationship can be a massive upheaval, so take time to grieve it. Eventually, though, you need to get up, brush yourself off and put yourself out there again.


8. Health Issues

Life can come at you very fast if you suffer a serious health issue. Even a less serious health issue could change the way you live your daily life. No matter the severity, most of us will have to deal with some sort of medical issue. Keeping a positive outlook will be a huge boost to your recovery.


9. Failure

Good luck trying to get through life without failing at something. The reality is that all of us will fail at some point, which is a good thing. Failure is one of the best lessons we will ever learn. You learn a lot about yourself in the face of failure. How you choose to react to failure will shape your entire life.




a) What challenges have you already faced? What did you learn? How did you get through them?


b) Consider the common challenges we all face. Which one do you fear the most?


c) Address your fear by creating a plan on how you will deal with this future challenge.




Affiliate links:

1. Most Intimate: A Zen Approach to Life's

2. Getting Through It

3. Getting Through What You Can't Get Over

4. Getting Past What You'll Never Get Over

5. Obstacle Is The Way

Saturday, January 28, 2023


 This report includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps you can take right away. It also includes a list of suggested readings for those who are looking for even more information. 

This article is from a Series of 52 tips Report on the subject of self improvement. If you want to receive a file with all 52 Reports at once, you can subscribe to my e-mail list.


Don't you hate those people who everyone likes? Actually, you probably don't! Some people have this ability to skate through life, beloved by everyone. They find it easy to make friends and rarely ruffle anyone's feathers. You might want to hate them, but you simply can't. If you would like to learn more about the habits of likable people, keep reading.


1. They Are Genuine

Likable people are honest. You can't be likable if you are constantly lying, it will catch up to you eventually. Likable people are also genuinely themselves. They don't act like anyone else; they are happy with who they are.


2. They Give Freely

You don't have to give away everything you own to be likable, but being willing to give without receiving anything in return is a key trait of a likable person. Giving isn't limited to money and gifts though, likable people are also willing to give their time.


3. They Let Others Shine

It feels good to be recognized for something that you have accomplished. Likable people will allow you to bask in that glory. They are happy to see you get rewarded and don't hold any jealousy about it.


4. They Ask Thoughtful Questions

It is often said that we should listen two times as much as we speak. Likable people take this a step further. They don't just listen, though; they follow up with thoughtful questions that prove they are actually interested in what you have to say.


5. They Are Positive

It is much more enjoyable to spend time with positive people. They might not be over the top happy at all times, but likable people tend to think and act positively. They will always find the silver lining when you are feeling down in the dumps.


6. They Don't Pass Judgement

Likable people tend to be less judgmental than the rest of us. If they do judge someone, they will do it silently. They believe in "live and let live" as long as your actions aren't directly harming them or the people around them.


7. They Are Humble

There are few things worse than spending time in the company of a braggart. While it is perfectly fine to be proud of your accomplishments, talking about them all the time is a bore. Likable people certainly have accomplishments they are proud of, but they would rather you ask about them first.


8. They Take Responsibility

No one is perfect; we all make mistakes at one point or another. Likable people are no different; they make mistakes, too - sometimes major ones. The difference is they take responsibility. They acknowledge they did wrong, apologize and then let you know how they plan to make sure it never happens again.


9. They Are Patient

Likable people are often more patient than others. They don't mind waiting for you to figure out what you want to do. They don't get irritated or annoyed very quickly. They will let you move at your speed, just happy to be in your company.




a) Look at the list of habits above. Which ones do you think you already possess? Write these down.


b) Looking at the same list of habits, which ones do you lack? Write these down.


c) Finally, look at the list of habits you lack. Develop a plan to foster this habit in your life.




Affiliate links:

1. How to Win Friends & Influence People

2. Likeable Social Media

3. Witty Banter: The Art & Science of Being Charismatic, Clever, and Likeable

4. Connect with Anyone: How to Be Instantly Likeable

5. The Likeable Expert