breaking down the speech context
Enhancing Speech Performance: An Analysis of Key Factors and Evaluation Criteria
Introduction: In this discourse, I aim to elucidate fundamental aspects contributing to effective speech delivery, particularly targeting students who seek improvement in their speech performances. By dissecting the speech context and elucidating key elements, students can gain insights into areas for enhancement, thereby augmenting their scores in speech contexts. This discourse not only benefits students academically but also has broader implications for professional and interpersonal communication skills development.
The Significance of First Impressions: Underestimating the potency of first impressions in speech contexts can be detrimental to overall presentation effectiveness. Initiating a presentation with confidence, maintaining appropriate body language such as upright posture, eye contact, and genuine smiles, significantly contributes to shaping initial perceptions. Research indicates that first impressions are often formed swiftly, underscoring the importance of meticulous attention to non-verbal cues from the outset. Consequently, leveraging the power of positive first impressions can be advantageous in establishing rapport with the audience, thereby setting a favorable tone for the ensuing discourse.
Please notice my Evaluation Notation on the picture below, The evaluation process entails a simplistic yet comprehensive categorization system focusing on Gesture, Volume, Reading, and Pronunciation. Omitting the total score from immediate view prevents undue influence, fostering impartial assessment. Each category holds pivotal significance in assessing speech effectiveness and warrants detailed explanation for optimal comprehension.

01- Gesture:
Effective utilization of hand gestures complements verbal communication, captivating audience attention and reinforcing key points. Strategic gestures enhance engagement and aid in conveying information succinctly. However, excessive gesturing detracts from the central message, necessitating moderation to maintain audience focus.

Let me say you should not be too much expansive, imagine a square around your chest, your hands should be inside that square otherwise it would be considered too expansive and withdraw the attention from your speech to your hands.
For example if you are going to give 3 points you can show one finger when talking about the first point, then 2 fingers and finally 3 fingers on the last point. This is a good way to make hand gestures and improve your overall speech.
02- Volume:
Adequate volume ensures auditory clarity, facilitating audience comprehension. Adjusting volume according to audience size and environment optimizes message delivery. Employing amplification tools like microphones aids in overcoming spatial constraints, ensuring seamless communication.
03- Reading:
Avoiding excessive reliance on written materials fosters direct engagement with the audience, fostering rapport and authenticity. Maintaining eye contact cultivates interpersonal connections, enhancing audience receptivity and participation. While referencing notes can alleviate nervousness, excessive reliance impedes spontaneity and detracts from overall fluency.

From my notes you can see that no one reads on the presentation today, that was very nice but also Notice (please watch the video) that the student 6 was so nervous that she had a “blank memory”, she had to pause for a moment, fortunately she was able to finish the speech, if she had brought the notes to look for, probably that would not have happened. If you are nervous, bringing the notes just in case can help you be more confident.
04- Pronunciation and Accent:
Effective pronunciation enhances message clarity, fostering audience comprehension and engagement. Accent, while inherent to individuals, should not compromise intelligibility. Engaging in vocal exercises and reading aloud facilitates pronunciation refinement, ensuring effective communication irrespective of accent diversity.
For more information on how to improve your accent and pronunciation click here.
05- Back to my notations

Now that you have read my explanation, have a second look of my notation. The only 2 students who have positive sign on every category was student 7 and 9. One of them win the first place in the context. Now you can also see that I am not covering the last column (total score). Those 2 students in my notation were even with 95 points, but again total score is not important, you could use different scale and the order of classification of the students would be same.

Analyzing the provided notation in conjunction with elucidated criteria facilitates nuanced assessment of speech performances. Identifying exemplary performances underscores the importance of holistic evaluation beyond numerical scores. Equipped with comprehensive evaluation criteria, individuals can discern areas for improvement and refine their speech delivery techniques accordingly.
Now you can watch the speech context presentation with my notes and see if you can spot the good and bad points from the students speech. I suppose now it will be easier because you know what to look for…

By dissecting the speech context and elucidating key evaluation criteria, individuals are empowered to enhance their speech performances systematically. Embracing the nuances of effective communication, from non-verbal cues to linguistic proficiency, facilitates transformative growth in both academic and professional spheres. Emphasizing continuous self-improvement and leveraging comprehensive evaluation frameworks augments speech delivery proficiency, thereby fostering impactful interpersonal communication endeavors.

In this post you can learn more about how to Improve

Article by Marcelo Gameiro
Published 04 Apr 2024