Saturday, October 12, 2024

Mastering English Speech Contests


Mastering English Speech Contests

Excelling in English Speech Contests: A Guide for Chinese Students


English speech contests in China provide students with a unique opportunity to showcase their language skills and communication prowess. To help you succeed in this challenging yet rewarding endeavor, here is a comprehensive guide with valuable advice on preparing and delivering an impressive speech.

Choose a Compelling Topic: Start by selecting a topic that genuinely interests you. Your passion for the subject will shine through in your delivery, capturing the attention of the audience. Ensure the topic is relevant and aligns with the theme of the speech contest.

Structure Your Speech: Organize your thoughts into a clear and coherent structure. A well-structured speech typically includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Clearly define your main points, supporting them with examples, anecdotes, or relevant data.

Language and Vocabulary: Focus on using a diverse range of vocabulary to demonstrate your language proficiency. Avoid overly complex sentences that may lead to confusion. Strike a balance between clarity and sophistication, and practice enunciating words clearly.

Practice Pronunciation and Intonation: Pay careful attention to pronunciation and intonation. Practice with native speakers or language exchange partners to refine your accent. Correct pronunciation enhances comprehension, while varied intonation keeps your speech engaging.

Master Non-Verbal Communication: Your body language, facial expressions, and gestures contribute significantly to your overall communication. Maintain eye contact, use expressive gestures, and be mindful of your posture. Non-verbal cues reinforce your message and help establish a connection with the audience.

Capture Attention with a Strong Opening: The beginning of your speech sets the tone. Start with a compelling opening that grabs the audience's attention. Consider using a relevant quote, a thought-provoking question, or a captivating anecdote to draw your listeners in.

Engage Your Audience: Actively involve your audience by asking rhetorical questions, encouraging participation, or incorporating relatable examples. A speech that engages the audience is more likely to be memorable and impactful.

Be Mindful of Time Constraints: Respect the allocated time for your speech. Practice delivering your speech within the time limit to ensure you cover all essential points without rushing. Timing is crucial, and an effectively managed speech demonstrates professionalism.

Receive Feedback: Seek constructive feedback from teachers, peers, or language experts. Incorporate their suggestions to improve both content and delivery. A fresh perspective can help you identify areas for enhancement that you might have overlooked.

Cultural Sensitivity: Be mindful of cultural nuances when delivering an English speech in China. Consider the diverse background of your audience and avoid topics that may be sensitive. Tailor your language and examples to be culturally appropriate.

Record and Review: Record yourself delivering the speech and review the footage. Analyze your body language, tone, and overall presentation. This self-reflection will help you identify areas for improvement and build confidence.


Participating in English speech contests is a commendable pursuit that not only hones your language skills but also builds confidence in public speaking. By following these guidelines and incorporating feedback, you'll be well-prepared to deliver an exceptional speech that leaves a lasting impression on your audience and judges alike. Good luck!

Watch my video talking about the tips and after that see some of the speech on the activity (YouKu YouTube)


Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 03 Dec 2023

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Lost in Faces (Names)


Lost in Faces (Names)

Embracing the Art of Forgetfulness: Navigating Names in a Foreign Land

Ah, the saga of name amnesia continues, and here I am, proudly embracing my talent for forgetting names, especially in a language as captivatingly complex as Chinese. Now, I confess, name recall has never been my forte, not even in the comfort of my native tongue. There's this one cringe-worthy incident from years past when I completely blanked on my brother-in-law's name. Trust me, the embarrassment was palpable, and I became the unwitting star of jokes, with whispers suggesting early-onset Alzheimer's. Ridiculous, I know – it's just names that play hide-and-seek with my memory.

Fast forward to the present, and I find myself in the heart of China, sharing the gift of English education. Lo and behold, my struggle with names has taken a peculiar turn, and let me tell you, it's gotten worse.

Sure, I could wallow in frustration and self-directed anger – after all, it's undeniably awkward to engage with students, share meals, and conduct English corners, all while they effortlessly recall my name while I grapple with theirs. And let's not even talk about the mispronunciations; that's a cringe-fest of its own.

But, dear reader, there's a twist in this tale. In China, much like elsewhere, social media and text messages are our communication lifelines. However, here's the plot twist: no one, and I mean no one, uses their actual picture in their profile. Picture this – it's not a profile picture but a random avatar or some artwork. Now, I might not remember names, but I've got a knack for faces. I can recognize if I've interacted with a student before. The catch? When a message pops up without a face to put to the name, it's a guessing game.

So, I resort to tactics. I've turned my chat backgrounds into a collage of photos with students. It's like a memory aid, and it works wonders. But, let's be real – snapping pics with everyone is not always feasible. In those instances, I've learned to let go, not allowing a name lapse to hinder new connections. After all, life is too short to stifle the blossoming of friendships just because names slip through the cracks.

backgrond with the student picture

Now, I'm penning down this piece not just as a therapeutic release but also as a response to the perpetual queries I face about this peculiar habit here in China. I find myself explaining it repeatedly, and perhaps, through this article, I can spark a conversation or gather some fresh insights. And hey, while I'm at it, let's unravel the mystery of the avatars – why do Chinese folks avoid using their real pictures in profiles?

The top three explanations I've received so far are:

  1. Shyness – a common reason everywhere.
  2. Modesty – a claim that beauty isn't a prerequisite.
  3. Privacy – a shield to guard their personal lives from prying eyes.

If you've got another angle on this or a unique take, drop it in the comments. Let's turn this forgetful journey into a collective exploration!

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 25 Nov 2023

Saturday, September 28, 2024

When Ethics goes beyond academics


When Ethics goes beyond academics

From the Ethics course of professor George Siedel I found this very interesting story:

This tale isn't just a figment of imagination; it echoes a real-world scenario involving Qualcomm. In the heat of negotiations, a fateful fax divulging sensitive strategy accidentally found its way into Qualcomm's hands. The reaction was unexpected – rather than exploiting the advantage, Qualcomm's general counsel rushed to the CEO, Irwin Jacobs, with the document in hand. However, Jacobs' response wasn't what was anticipated; he questioned its intended recipient and promptly ordered its return. The general counsel left the encounter humbled but with a newfound admiration for Jacobs' unwavering ethics. Such integrity is rare in today's cutthroat business world, yet it's the cornerstone upon which reputations are built and sustained.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 29 Feb 2024

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Financial literacy


Financial literacy

In today's rapidly evolving world, financial literacy is more important than ever before. From managing personal finances to making strategic decisions in business, being financially literate is a crucial skill that empowers individuals and organizations to navigate the complexities of the modern financial landscape effectively. Here's why finance literacy is indispensable in today's world:

1) Personal Financial Management: Financial literacy equips individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to manage their personal finances responsibly. From budgeting and saving to understanding investment options and managing debt, being financially literate enables individuals to make informed decisions that support their long-term financial well-being.

2) Economic Participation: In an increasingly globalized economy, financial literacy is essential for full economic participation. Individuals who understand concepts like interest rates, inflation, and taxation are better equipped to make sound financial decisions, participate in the economy, and contribute to their own prosperity and that of society as a whole.

3) Entrepreneurship and Business: For entrepreneurs and small business owners, financial literacy is paramount. Understanding financial statements, cash flow management, and capital budgeting allows entrepreneurs to effectively manage their businesses, make informed investment decisions, and navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship with confidence.

4) Career Advancement: In many industries, financial literacy is a valuable skill that can lead to career advancement opportunities. Professionals who understand financial concepts and can analyze financial data are highly sought after in fields such as banking, consulting, accounting, and corporate finance. Employers value employees who can contribute to strategic decision-making and financial planning.

5) Financial Stability and Security: Being financially literate is essential for achieving financial stability and security. Individuals who understand how to plan for the future, invest wisely, and protect themselves against financial risks are better positioned to weather economic downturns, unexpected expenses, and other financial challenges that may arise.

6) Consumer Protection: Financial literacy empowers consumers to make informed decisions when it comes to financial products and services. Understanding concepts like interest rates, fees, and terms and conditions allows individuals to compare options, avoid predatory financial practices, and protect themselves from fraud and exploitation.

In conclusion, financial literacy is a fundamental skill that is indispensable in today's world. Whether managing personal finances, starting a business, advancing

Take our Finance Quiz here.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 13 Feb 2024

Friday, September 13, 2024

It is Easy to deceive me.

It is Easy to deceive me.

Tricking a foreign English teacher who doesn't speak the local language seems like a breeze, especially when grappling with unfamiliar names. I, for one, am no name maestro, especially when dealing with languages I can't even pronounce properly. So, instead of risking linguistic acrobatics, I resort to the pragmatic approach of calling my students by their university numbers during roll call. Now, this might be a common practice in many of my classes, and I usually let it slide without much ado. But not today. Something caught my attention - a student seemed to be playing a double role in attendance, shuffling places and mysteriously vanishing from the class after a second response. 

Being the curious soul that I am, I decided to explore it further. In the picture above I did mark it in green the spot where the elusive student had initially settled. Fortunately, she didn't return, and let's be clear, I'm not here to shame anyone, I am glad she did not return because now she can remain anonymous while I am explaining my point. My goal is not to be the villain in their academic story; rather, it's about nudging them towards a better way of behaving and fostering a good character while learning. 

In my world, where images speak louder than words, take a gander at another picture detailing my grading system. Attendance, a humble 3 points per day, sums up to a whopping 30 points over 10 days, constituting 30% of the final grade. In short, a single day's absence translates to a mere 0.9 points deducted from the final grade. Yes, you heard it right - less than one point, and if the student give me a excuse paper from the office explaining why did they miss my class, they only going to loose 0.3 points, almost nothing at all.

It boggles my mind why students would compromise their integrity for less than a point. In my previous posts, I've emphasized the significance of integrity, both in life and within the classroom. This might seem like a minor infraction, but let me be clear - heading in the wrong direction, even in small matters, can lead to a dark place. 


Allow me to drive the point home with a real-life example. There's a viral YouTube video where a judge reminisces about her former classmate, once a friend and considered one of the sweet kids. Now, she sits in judgment as he faces the consequences of his bad behavior, losing his freedom. So, here's my message: don't veer off in the wrong direction, no matter how trivial it may seem at the time.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 17 Nov 2023


Friday, September 6, 2024

Elevating Your Presentation Skills

Elevating Your Presentation Skills

Unlocking the Art of Persuasion: Elevating Your Presentation Skills

Picture this: A packed room filled with eager English and Translation students, all hungry for wisdom. You step up to the front, ready to captivate their attention and leave a lasting impression.

Yesterday, at the gracious invitation of my friend Alex, I embarked on a journey to enlighten the minds of five classes of English and Translation majors. Armed with years of teaching experience and my own personal journey of mastering the English language, I was tasked with sharing invaluable tips to enhance their language skills.

Now, you might be curious to watch the actual presentation I delivered by clicking on the link below, but let me steer your focus towards something else - the remarkable difference in presentation tactics. You see, I'm not here to criticize anyone; I'm here to empower you with the secrets of delivering a compelling message.

YouKu YouTube

The truth is, those who spoke before me were trapped behind a podium, robotically reciting their meticulously written notes. Their eyes glued to the text, there was a glaring absence of hand gestures and meaningful eye contact with the audience. But not me. In my presentation, I broke free from the shackles of mediocrity, and I want to show you how to do the same.

I've been sharing my insights on language enhancement with my students for years, and I've seen my teachings transform lives. Yet, there's more to it than meets the eye. You see, it's not just about the message; it's about the art of delivering it. This skill isn't limited to the classroom; it's an invaluable asset in making a stellar first impression during job interviews or any social interaction.

As I delved into the realm of people skills, I discovered the power they hold in reshaping destinies. I was captivated, and I began sharing these secrets with everyone around me, including my students, challenging them to rise to the occasion and improve themselves.

If you've found yourself intrigued by the importance of presentation and people skills, and you're eager to embark on your own journey of self-improvement, look no further. Click on the links provided in this article,  or consider exploring my People Skills course. It's time to elevate your game and make your mark in the world of communication.


If you want to do this course for FREE (200-People Skills) you only have to enroll in my e-mail subscription list to receive the course for FREE. 

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 09 Nov 2023


Friday, August 30, 2024

The True Purpose of University


The True Purpose of University

The True Purpose of University: Learning How to Think


"Learn how to think, that is why you went to the University." These wise words encapsulate the fundamental reason for pursuing higher education. Many individuals believe that companies hire based on degrees, but in reality, they are seeking individuals with the potential to succeed. The knowledge and skills you gain in university may become outdated or remain unused. To truly understand the essence of university education, one must look beyond the degree certificate and embrace the power of independent thought and critical thinking.

The Evolving Landscape of Knowledge

In the fast-paced world we live in today, the shelf life of knowledge is continually shrinking. What you learn in a university course may become obsolete within a few years, or you may never apply it in your professional life. It's a common experience among graduates to realize that the theories and formulas they studied are seldom directly relevant to their work.

So, why invest in a university education? The answer lies in the broader skills and mindset it equips you with. To unveil the true purpose of a university education, let's explore the importance of cultivating critical thinking and the ability to form and defend your own ideas.

The Power of Independent Thought

Learning another language or mastering specific technical skills is undeniably valuable. However, today, we emphasize the importance of cultivating your own thinking and forming your opinions. This skill goes beyond academic knowledge and is a powerful tool for personal and professional growth.

Being a critical thinker means more than just doubting what you hear; it means actively engaging with information, dissecting it, and forming your own judgments. This skill allows you to be more discerning and less susceptible to manipulation or deception. It empowers you to participate in meaningful discussions, engage in constructive debates, and contribute to creative problem-solving.

Earning Trust and Recognizing Deception

Honesty and credibility are paramount qualities. To be trusted and respected in both personal and professional life, one must be honest and reliable. But equally important is the ability to recognize when others are not being honest. Critical thinking enables you to detect inconsistencies and inaccuracies in information, whether it's in a news article, a business proposal, or everyday conversation.

For example, consider a website that publishes an article about birds chasing an airplane, as mentioned in the initial picture of this article. Upon critical examination, one might notice inconsistencies in the story, such as the impossibility of birds catching up with an airplane or the contradiction between the headline and the article's content, in the headline it say the pilot landed the airplane while the story goes on to tell pilot crash the plane in a lake, even the very picture witch I took from that article seems to be fake. Such discernment can help you distinguish reliable sources of information from unreliable ones, a crucial skill in today's information-driven world.

The University as a Training Ground for Critical Thinkers

In essence, a university education serves as a training ground to become a critical thinker, to develop the ability to form independent opinions, and to confidently defend those opinions. It goes far beyond the mere accumulation of knowledge.

When you spend your time in university memorizing facts and figures, you're missing out on a more valuable opportunity. Instead, seize the chance to learn how to think. Forming an opinion based on the knowledge you acquire is a transformative experience that no book or lecture can replicate. It's the foundation of your capacity to think critically, and it is this skill that makes you a valuable asset to any company.


The true purpose of a university education lies in learning how to think independently and critically. It's about developing the skills to form your own ideas, defend them, and navigate a complex world where information and ideas abound. A university education isn't just about earning a degree; it's about acquiring the tools to be a discerning, thoughtful, and innovative individual. So, use your time wisely in the pursuit of knowledge, and remember that the ability to think critically is the greatest treasure you can bring to any endeavor.

Marcelo Gameiro

Article by Marcelo Gameiro

Published 07 Nov 2023